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Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd.

Economic efficiency should also be improved to ensure safe and stable nuclear power plant operation.
We are constructing ABWR equipped with the latest technologies and features long-standing operation records.
The Period required for regular inspections of ABWR can be shortened with the introduction of equipment that improves capacity utilization. The Company is also working to reduce the period required for regular inspections of conventional BWR.
In addition, it will aid power plants in improving their economic efficiency and operators in increasing profitability through long-term cycle operation, output enhancements and other means.

Improvement of utilization rate (concept of inspection cycle optimization (evaluation of inspection cycles for FMCRD and RIP)

The Company offers appropriate equipment inspection cycles after evaluating equipment inspection methods.

The Company offers appropriate equipment inspection cycles after evaluating equipment inspection methods with respect to FMCRD and internal pumps (RIP).

Long-term cycle operation (10 x 10 fuel)

Improvement of economic efficiency in operation, reduction of inspection periods and establishment of reliability are essential to facilitate long-term cycle operation and secure (enhance) economic advantages of extended operation cycles.
We provide 10 x 10 high burnup fuel to improve economic efficiency in operation.

Power uprate

Investigations have been made in recent years for uprating the output of existing plants. We intend to respond to this demand by augmenting its plant maintenance technologies with the recognized track record and GE experience.

Reduction of exposure dose (concept of radiation exposure reduction activities)

We have developed the chemical decontamination technique using chemicals [Hydrazine Oxalic Acid Potassium Permanganate (HOP) method] and have promoted to reduce occupational exposure at plants in operation.

Based on the HOP method, which has been proven in decontamination during service, we provide a “system decontamination technology” contributing to radiation exposure reduction.